LSM900 Upright and LSM900 Inverted Confocal Microscope Training Workshop

LSM900 Upright and LSM900 Inverted Confocal Microscope Training Workshop 


LSM900 upright and LSM900 inverted confocal microscopes are two systems newly installed in the Imaging and Flow Cytometry Core, CPOS. They are both equipped with four solid state lasers (405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 635 nm), two PMTs and motorized stage for 2D/3D muti-spectrum confocal imaging. ZEN software modules, “Sample Navigator ” and “ZEN connect”, on LSM900 upright confocal microscope will simplify the imaging setup procedure and large tissue tile scanning. The key features of two new LSM900 confocal systems and applications are listed below:

Key Features LSM900 upright confocal LSM900 inverted confocal Strengths & Applications
Sample Navigator Yes No Quickly find regions of interest

–    Simply find the focus plane and quickly acquire an overview scan of your sample.

–    Simplify the search for a region of interest for the actual imaging experiment.

(Good for whole specimen location)

ZEN Connect Yes No Work with images from multiple sources

–    Manage, correct, and align images in 2D as well as in 3D from light microscopes and any optical images, e.g., from your digital camera.

–    Enables to build a seamless multimodal, multiscale picture of your sample. Use it to guide further investigations and target additional acquisitions.

Multiple channels acquisition Yes Yes Parallel acquisition for multi-spectral detection in one goal
Lasers source Yes Yes 405 nm/488 nm/561 nm/633 nm

(Good for multispectral acquisition, e.g. DAPI/GFP/RFP/Cy5 and etc.)

Objective lenses

(Wide range of choices)

Yes Yes LSM900 upright

2.5 x 0.085, 10x 0.45 Ph1; 20x 0.8 Ph2;

LSM900 inverted

10x 0.45 Ph1; 40x 1.4 Oil DIC; 63x 1.4 Oil DIC

(A variety of sample magnification and brightfield imaging are available)

Motorized stage Yes Yes Multiple position acquisition with accurate travel range

(Suitable for multiple points time-lapse live cell imaging)

Detectors Yes Yes High-sensitive module multialkali PMT (MA-PMT) detectors

(Good for samples with weak fluorescence signal)


Training Sessions

Session 1 21 Nov 2022 (Mon) 10:30am-12:30pm
Session 2 21 Nov 2022 (Mon) 1:30pm-3:30pm
Session 3 21Nov 2022 (Mon) 3:30pm-5:30pm
Session 4 22 Nov 2022 (Tue) 10:30am-12:30pm
Session 5 22 Nov 2022 (Tue) 1:30pm-3:30pm
Session 6 22 Nov 2022 (Tue) 3:30pm-5:30pm
Session 7 23 Nov 2022 (Wed) 10:30am-12:30pm
Session 8 23 Nov 2022 (Wed) 1:30pm-3:30pm
Session 9 23 Nov 2022 (Wed) 3:30pm-5:30pm


Venue: L6-11, Imaging and Flow Cytometry Core, Laboratory Block, LKS Faculty of Medicine

To register for the training workshop, please refer to the below procedure.

  1. Go to the online booking system: àcheck “Online booking system”.
  2. Login with HKU Portal ID and password
  3. Fill in the required information, and click “Register”
  4. Go to “Dashboard”
  5. Go to “Training” registration page à [Training Workshop]Upright&Inverted LSM 900à Please select your preferred sessionàcheck “Join”
    You may refer to user manual for user account registration and training workshop application:

Any enquiry, please contact: or 39177557.