Centre for PanorOmic Sciences – Proteomics and Metabolomics Core (CPOS – PM Core) is equipped with the state-of-the-art mass spectrometers (MS) to support proteomics and metabolomics research along with the standard data analysis pipeline to support the researchers on wide range of services.
We are glad to introduce a new instrument i.e., Ion Chromatography (IC) coupled to high resolution Orbitrap Exploris 120 MS, which include new features needed for advanced metabolomics applications.
IC-MS offers:
- an alternate solution to the analysis of anionic metabolites involved in glycolysis/TCA cycle, pentose phosphate pat
hway, and nucleotides sugar phosphates (ATP, CDP, GDP etc.,)
- wider coverage of polar metabolite panels for targeted metabolomics than existing GC-MS platform
- enhanced capability in stable isotope labeled metabolite flux analysis.
For additional info, please visit CPOS website https://cpos.hku.hk/portfolio-item/metabolomics/
Protocol development using various clinical specimens is under progress. Technology and data sharing session will be conducted soon via Zoom. Kindly stay tuned for new metabolomics platform service update.
Interested researchers/PIs seeking grant application support letter for metabolomics services on this new instrument, please contact PM Core at 2831 5484 or email to pmcore.cpos@hku.hk