Buffy Coat DNA Extraction Promotion
For HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine academics only. Commit your order by 9-Dec-2020, enjoy our special offer:
$60 per sample
Buffy coat extraction service conditions:
Buffy coat input volume: 220 µl
Extraction kit: QIAsymphony DSP DNA Mini Kit
Extraction automated system: QIAsympphony
DNA QC: NanoDrop
Terms & Conditions:
- Extraction service must be confirmed by iLab request by 9-Dec-2020.
- Samples must be submitted by 16-Dec-2020.
- Payment must be settled using a HKU funding account.
- Additional cost maybe applied to job with customized conditions.
- Reagent cost maybe charged if extraction service cannot be proceeded due to sample specific issues.
- Extraction result data generated will be the property of their respective owner and will not be disclosed to any third parties.
- In the event of dispute, the decision of CPOS shall be final.
Tel: 2831 5477
Email: extract.cpos@hku.hk