Buffy Coat DNA Extraction Promotion

For HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine academics only. Commit your order by 9-Dec-2020, enjoy our special offer:

$60 per sample

Buffy coat extraction service conditions:

Buffy coat input volume: 220 µl

Extraction kit: QIAsymphony DSP DNA Mini Kit

Extraction automated system: QIAsympphony

DNA QC: NanoDrop

Terms & Conditions:

  1. Extraction service must be confirmed by iLab request by 9-Dec-2020.
  2. Samples must be submitted by 16-Dec-2020.
  3. Payment must be settled using a HKU funding account.
  4. Additional cost maybe applied to job with customized conditions.
  5. Reagent cost maybe charged if extraction service cannot be proceeded due to sample specific issues.
  6. Extraction result data generated will be the property of their respective owner and will not be disclosed to any third parties.
  7. In the event of dispute, the decision of CPOS shall be final.


Tel: 2831 5477
Email: extract.cpos@hku.hk